Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Challenge

I found a new blog this week that I like. I haven't researched the author yet, but I did appreciate this entry: Getting by without God.

It reminded me of many churches that I've attended recently, where the Sunday morning show is so impressive that I just can't stop myself wondering how these people live during the week. Of course, thinking like that always quickly brings me back to looking at myself and my own fear of really giving all to God. (I call that the mirror principle.)

I look for a role model -- some contemporary Christian nearby that challenges and inspires me to step out and give more of myself, to reach out to our needy community and make a noticeable difference in saving people from empty lives that lead to destruction. But I always seem to end up realising that there's only one role model I can look to -- the God-man.

However, that doesn't stop me pondering, especially as I hear story after story from or about Christian friends who feel they are underachieving because they're not being inspired and challenged enough by their churches. Could our churches be doing more to inspire their members to live radical lives for Jesus? Should they be doing more? I don't know about you, but somehow my answer keeps nagging at the back of my mind, and yet again it quickly brings me back to looking at myself. Oh no!

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