Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Come versus Go

Eddie Arthur in his Kouya Chronicle blog pointed me to a little article about Incarnational versus Attractional mission. It presents some good thoughts about modern church groups with their professional programs designed to attract newcomers and get them to church on Sundays. (The sort of programs that, frankly, bore me.)

I've been thinking a lot recently that one of the main purposes of a church group should be to inspire and equip its members to interact with the community at every level. The article above talks about a focus on living-out God's love in the neighbourhood which would hopefully be an outcome of that.

I'm not actually against church groups owning buildings and facilities, but I certainly agree that we need to be going, not just setting up nice programs for people to come to.

Meanwhile, I've started learning about going to some of the community who simply can't come -- in this case, those behind bars. There's some paperwork and background checking involved before you are allowed in, but hopefully the approval will come through soon.

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